Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Role of a Sleep Technologist

    • What Is Like to Be a Sleep Technologist

    • Professionalism

    • Responsibilities of a Sleep Technologist

    • Role of Sleep Technologists Quiz

  • 2

    Patient Confidentiality

    • Reasons for Medical Confidentiality

    • HIPPA Protection

    • Patient Confidentiality/HIPPA Quiz

  • 3

    Sleep Definition and Function

    • What Is Sleep?

    • Circadian Biology

    • Function of Sleep

    • Sleep Definition and Function Quiz

  • 4

    Overview of Sleep Disorders

    • Classification of Sleep Disorders & Insomnia

    • Sleep Related Breathing Disorders

    • Narcolepsy, Parasomnias and Seizure Disorders

    • Circadian Rhythm and Movement Disorders

    • Overview of Sleep Disorders Quiz

    • Insomnia Quiz

    • Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Quiz

    • Sleep Related Breathing Disorder (CSA) Quiz

  • 5

    EEG 10-20 System and Polysomnography

    • 10-20 Electrode Placement

    • Montages

    • 10-20 System and Electrode Placement Quiz

  • 6

    Recording Respiratory Effort

    • Piezoelectric Belts

    • Inductance Plethysmography

    • Respiratory EMG

    • Monitor Respiratory Effort Quiz

  • 7

    Recording Limb Movements

    • Electrode Placement

    • Montages

    • Artifacts

    • Recording Limb Movement Quiz

  • 8

    Recording Airflow

    • Thermography

    • Pressure Transducers & Snore Sensors

    • Monitor (Recording) Airflow Quiz

  • 9

    Scoring Sleep Stages

    • Sleep Stages

    • AASM Scoring Guidelines

    • AASM Scoring Guidelines Pt.2

    • AASM Scoring Guidelines Pt.3

    • Scoring Sleep States Quiz

  • 10

    Scoring Respiratory Events

    • Scoring Sleep Apneas

    • Scoring Hypopneas

    • Scoring Respiratory Events Quiz

  • 11

    Scoring PLMS and Arousal

    • Scoring PLMs

    • Scoring Arousals

    • Scoring PLMs and Arousal Quiz

  • 12

    Overview of PAP & Supplemental Oxygen

    • PAP Overview

    • Guidelines for Supplemental Oxygen

    • Overview of PAP Therapy Quiz

    • Guideline for Supplemental Oxygen Quiz

  • 13

    Anatomy and Physiology of Upper Airways

    • Structural Anatomy

    • The Upper Airway

    • Pathophysiology

    • Anatomy and Physiology of the Upper Airway Quiz

  • 14

    Therapeutic Interventions for OSA - CPAP & Alternatives

    • CPAP Indications & Contraindications

    • Patient Education, Disensitization and PAP Nap

    • Protocols for Titration

    • Alternative Treatments for OSA

    • Desensitization Quiz

    • Performing CPAP Therapy Quiz

  • 15

    Pediatric Polysomnography

    • Pediatric Setup

    • Montages

    • Pediatric Polysomnography Quiz

  • 16

    Pediatric OSA

    • Clinical Features

    • Cx Criteria & Scoring

    • Treatment

    • Pediatric Sleep Disorders (Parasomnia) Quiz

    • Pediatric Sleep Disorders (Sleep-Disordered Breathing) Quiz

  • 17

    MSLT and MWT

    • Overview of MSLT

    • Protocol for MSLT

    • MWT Overview

    • MSLT and MWT Quiz

  • 18

    Summarizing PSG Reports and Hypnograms

    • PSG Report Components

    • PSG Hypnogram Description

    • Summarizing the PSG Reports and Hypnogram Quiz

  • 19

    Managing Emergencies in the Lab

    • Health Related Emergencies

    • Environment Emergencies

    • Managing Emergencies in the Sleep Lab Quiz

  • 20

    Infection Control

    • Chain of Infection

    • Universal Precautions

    • Cleaning and Sterilizing

    • Infection Control/Patient Safety Quiz

  • 21

    Home Sleep Apnea Test

    • HSAT Guidelines, advantages and disadvantages

    • Level III study - Overview

    • Level III - Set up Demostration

    • HSAT Quiz

  • 22


    • Calibration

    • Physiological Calibration

    • Calibration Quiz

  • 23

    Digital Polysomnography

    • Digital PSG

    • Digital PSG Display Settings